Yunel presents life strategy approach at The Consumer Goods Forum in Berlin
Berlin. Thanks to Danone and circ for giving Yunel the opportunity to speak about social business and positive psychology at the global...

Make Happiness Work: Join our Life Time Retreat
Berlin/Faro. Life is a gift... let's make the best of it! Take time for a unique life retreat in Faro to ‘make the rest of your life the...

How business can change the world
Berlin. „Ever since I first met Prof. Yunus ten years ago, I am fascinated by his vision, passion and perseverance", says Kerstin...

ZEIT-Stiftung publishes interview with Yunel founder
Hamburg/Berlin. For all German-speaking clients interested in Yunel, here is an interview with our founder Kerstin Humberg, recently...

Yunel and Dialogbild honour Nobel Laureate Muhammad Yunus with happiness map
Berlin/Hamburg. Exactly 10 years after the founder of Grameen Bank in Bangladesh was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, two German companies...

Yunel featured in Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung
Frankfurt/Berlin. Are you ready for the second half of your life? In her article about radical shifts in life (Bereit für die zweite...

Yunus & Youth – how youngsters drive positive change
Mannheim. "Everyone can be an entrepreneur. It's great fun to change the world. Go for it!", said Nobel Peace Laureate Muhammad Yunus in...