Woran glaubst Du?
Neues Podcast Gesprächsformat mit dem politischen Journalisten Heribert Prantl und der Yunel Gründerin Kerstin Humberg bei AUDIO NOW....

Hack your Brain: Optimism as a Success Factor?
Interlaken. Whether top sportswomen, exceptional musicians or particularly successful business people. Typically, we attribute...

Yunel featured in Nico Rose's new book: Arbeit besser machen
Hamm/Berlin. We are honored to announce that Yunel got featured in Nico Rose's new book on positive business: "Arbeit besser machen"....

Praxisworkshop Psychologie des Glücks am 25.08.2019 in Bensheim
Berlin/Bensheim. Wer fragt sich nicht gelegentlich, welchen Sinn die eigene Arbeit hat? Was hält das Leben sonst für uns bereit? Was...

Ex-Manager Thomas Middelhoff about happiness and success
Hamburg. A few years ago, only one thing counted for Thomas Middelhoff: business success. As Chief Executive Officer of Bertelsmann AG...

Positive psychology 101: Join our next workshop on December 8, 2018 in Berlin
Berlin. Happily ever after? Maybe not, and that's absolutely okay. Happiness doesn't equal the absence of unhappiness. Subjective...

We got it!
Berlin. Great news for Yunel: Today, French artist Anna Marin and I presented our 'life map' business to the grants committee of the...

Building a new civilization
SBSWolfsburg/Berlin. We are excited to speak about positive psychology and Yunel at the Global Social Business Summit 2018! Working with...

SWR Leute featuring Yunel
Stuttgart. You want to know more about Yunel? What Yunel stands for and why our founder decided to leave her job with McKinsey & Company...

Nächster Positive Leadership Praxis-Workshop am 09. Dezember 2017 in Berlin
Berlin. Führung und Glück – wie passt das zusammen? Was verbirgt sich hinter dem sogenannten Glücksvorteil? Mit welcher Strategie lässt...